Monday, 9 November 2015

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 17:56
Thursday, #01102015

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) also known as a framework for teacher knowledge.

What is Pedagogical
Pedagogy is the art, strategies or ways of teaching ; Teacher want their students to engage and ultimately learn. It is only with the use of good pedagogical techniques that this occurs.

What is Content Knowledge?
The knowledge that the teacher has the content that they are teaching ; Before teaching, teacher must understand the content being taught.

What is Technological Knowledge?
The knowledge of how to use technologies ; How will this assist your class?

And . . . 

If you combine this 3 elements : 

Pedagogical + Content + Technological =  ????

The Super Teacher!!!

     Thank you for reading, Next entry will be up..

Lots of love,


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