Monday 9 November 2015

Intro Class~

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 15:17
Thursday, #10092015

Hello again~

Today is our first class of PPEA 2106 'Internet and Teaching' for dis semester..
We are assigned to write up our reflection after every class of dis subject by using blog..
Here i am again, new blog, new entry and new input to share..

with them again, my group technomates~

Dis first class was different coz we mixed with our juniors.. So we got the chances to noe each other.. We got only 4 juniors, Dr requested us to promoted techno to our juniors so dat our legacy will be continue..

As usual, Dr asked to write down what we want to learn for dis subject, and what we expect from her in dis class.. There r so many things dat we want to learn, n im hoping dat dis class will be so much fun learning like last semester and all the best in future.. Stay tuned for the next entry :)

Lots of love,


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