Tuesday 8 December 2015

Last Entry for dis semester . .

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 22:17 0 comments
Thursday, #26112015

Oke, memandangkan ni last entry utk semester ni.. so kita hepi hepi je k..

hehe . . utk hari tu, weolls blaja topik model pengajaran, dah msuk tahun 2 pon still lg topik ni hot k..

nampak x betapa pentingnya topik model pengajaran ni.. model yg dh biasa dgr ape dy?? ha jwb..

banyak k.. tp yg weolls blaja :

Ni antaranya 1) Assure 2) Gagne 3) Arcs 4) Waterfall 5) Dick & Carrey..

Banyakk.. nk list n explain satu2 xsempat la kot.. hehe..

Cukup korang taw yg sume model ni ade prinsip dorg tersendiri yang blh digunapakai dlm pengajaran.. ha.. take noted k, sume model2 ni blh dijadikan panduan utk kita merancang n menjalankan P&P kita supaya objektif yang ditetapkan tercapai.. ha phm kan.. :)

Tenkiuu support sis, jumpa lg di lain entry :)

Lots of love,

Pengajaran Berkesan Hasilnya +VE Uolls :)

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 22:08 0 comments
Thursday, #19112015

Actually, hari tu xhadir kelas atas sebab kesihatan, tapi sempat la study sendiri bout dat topic which is 'Effective Teaching'.. haa, Pengajaran Berkesan..

Topik ni berkaitan dgn bagaimana seorang guru itu dikira atau dilabel sbg seorang guru yang baik?? and macam mana nak jadikan P&P kita tu berkesan..

As a teacher, must have many plan in teaching their syudents.. u noe why? sbbnya.. students kita ni mcm2 ragam, nak2 plak yang zaman millenium ni, lagi laa.. dorang lg advance k, so.. sbg guru, kita perlu berkali kali advance dr dorang ni.. Kiranya teaching skills teacher ni kena mantopp.. so dat nnt kita dpt +ve impact dr pengajaran kita tu..

Kalau ada pendapat n pengalaman yg nk dikongsi blh la.. dialukan :)

Thanks for reading <3

Lots of love,

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Web 2.0 Tools

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 01:15 0 comments
Thursday, #05112015

Dat day class, we proceed with Puteri presentation.. and then, Dr brief about 2.0 Web Tools dat mostly we use dis day..

Web 2.0 is about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It's also about ease of use. There's no need to download, and teachers and students can master many of these tools in minutes. Technology has never been easier or more accessible to all.

More info about dis topic, you can refer here :

Thank you for reading :)

Lots of love,

Teaching time (^_*)

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 00:47 0 comments
Wednesday, #28102015

Now, presented to you.. Our macro teaching from our group..

Dat day lesson was 'Part of Our Body' by teacher Lela, Ann and Nina ;p

Here are some teaching aid used . . .

My Body Poster


We use some videos too.. Check it out :

Thank you for your attention.. we r focusing on fun learning activities that can attract students attention.. so that they participated in all activities..

Thats all for dis entry, See ya!

Lots of love,

My presentation, Review teaching presentation.

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 00:07 0 comments
Thursday, #22102015

Finally, my turn for presentation..  Let's do some review bout dis presentation..

3 Web page dat i choose :

  1. Starfall - http://www.starfall.com/
  2. Capstonekids - http://www.capstonekids.com/
  3. NationalGeographicKids - http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/


Starfall is a children's website that teaches basic English reading and writing skills. The main demographic is preschoolers, kindergarteners, and second graders. Founded in 2002, the website teaches children how to read by using games and phonics.


Capstone Kids is a website for book-loving kids from publisher Capstone Press, featuring games, activities, quizzes, and information about their kid offerings. Tons of books and characters are highlighted, from Sports Illustrated Kids Victory School Superstars to Zeke Meeks, who's terrified of bugs and long fingernails. No personal information is collected from kids, but it's possible to purchase books on a companion site.

National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids is the online component to National Geographic Kids magazine. Among its educational games, kid-friendly information, and great footage, the site has a few videos that feature animals stalking and attacking their prey. Administrators approve all photos that kids upload to their site profiles and the My Shot photo gallery, and comments also require approval, which helps prevent bad language and other issues. Kids will need a paid subscription to access certain items on the site.

Next activity for dat day is.. we all review our lesson plan for next week dat is 2nd presentation, we r assigned to teach based on da lesson plan by using Blendspace. All teaching aids, worksheet, videos and picture used has to be uploaded so dat we can see the flow.

Thats all for dis entry.. Thank you for reading :)

Lots of love.

Monday 9 November 2015

Blendspace for all~

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 22:20 0 comments
Thursday, #15102015

Blended Learning is an approach for learning and teaching which combines and aligns learning undertaken in face-to-face sessions with learning opportunities created online. 

Introduce to you . . . Blendspace :)

Let's Blendspace :)

For more info about Blendspace, do visit this site, may you found this really helpful and useful ;

Lots of love,

Get ready for presentation session as usual :)

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 21:17 0 comments
Thursday, #08102015

On dat day, we r going to present about da result from evaluated 3 website for teaching on ECE..

6 out of 8 completed their presentation on dat day. Sadly, im not one of them coz we r runned out of time, and i had to present it next week.. me n Puteri. So stay tuned..

My friends did very well during their presentation and mostly got full mark.. Yeay!! Im happy for them.. hoping dat im gonna get full mark too :)

Here some that i can listed so far ;
  1. http://www.funbrain.com/
  2. http://www.abcya.com/
  3. http://www.starfall.com/
  4. http://www.sesamestreet.org/
  5. http://pbskids.org/
  6. http://www.handsoncrafts.org/
  7. http://www.wonderville.ca/
  8. http://www.funbrain.com/
  9. http://www.scholastic.com/
  10. http://disneyjunior.disney.my/

Your children can learn something new today in a safe, free and fun environment. These hand-picked educational websites for kids offer online teaching games, printables, videos and so much more.

You never know till you explore it yourself. Have fun!

Lots of love,

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 17:56 0 comments
Thursday, #01102015

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) also known as a framework for teacher knowledge.

What is Pedagogical
Pedagogy is the art, strategies or ways of teaching ; Teacher want their students to engage and ultimately learn. It is only with the use of good pedagogical techniques that this occurs.

What is Content Knowledge?
The knowledge that the teacher has the content that they are teaching ; Before teaching, teacher must understand the content being taught.

What is Technological Knowledge?
The knowledge of how to use technologies ; How will this assist your class?

And . . . 

If you combine this 3 elements : 

Pedagogical + Content + Technological =  ????

The Super Teacher!!!

     Thank you for reading, Next entry will be up..

Lots of love,

Tutorial on Searching The Web

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 17:29 0 comments
Thursday, #17092015

Topic : Basic Tutorial on Searching The Web

There are 3 basic type of searching the web that most people use :

  1. Search Engines
  2. Subject Directories
  3. MetaSearch Tools

We r focusing only on search engine..

Search Engines 

Okay, based on the Wiki, Web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine result pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files. 

Search engine is to help searchers find the specific information on any given subject. You type in a keyword or phrase and the search engine retrieves pages that correspond to your search query. Search results are not always relevant to the keywords entered since it are not intuitive and cannot infer dynamically what it is you might be searching for.

Search Engine Optimization
Then, we r assigned to do assignment on evaluate and define 3 web pages that suitable for teaching on ECE. The due is on 5th week to present our result. 

To find more on Searching The Web Tools and How To Evaluate a Website, please refer this:

More coming up next! To be continued . . . . .

Lots of love,

Intro Class~

Posted by Nina Shahidan at 15:17 0 comments
Thursday, #10092015

Hello again~

Today is our first class of PPEA 2106 'Internet and Teaching' for dis semester..
We are assigned to write up our reflection after every class of dis subject by using blog..
Here i am again, new blog, new entry and new input to share..

with them again, my group technomates~

Dis first class was different coz we mixed with our juniors.. So we got the chances to noe each other.. We got only 4 juniors, Dr requested us to promoted techno to our juniors so dat our legacy will be continue..

As usual, Dr asked to write down what we want to learn for dis subject, and what we expect from her in dis class.. There r so many things dat we want to learn, n im hoping dat dis class will be so much fun learning like last semester and all the best in future.. Stay tuned for the next entry :)

Lots of love,

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